My workload appears to be increasing, its that time of year to re enter renewals and issue Insurance Certificates, not that I mind, it shows that the work done throughout the year is proving to pay dividends.
This “Communicator:” should provide interesting reading, the envelope contains more reading plus instructions needing pen to paper. The draft of our Voluntary Guidelines, please help with any changes etc. We will be putting this before the members for adoption at this years AGM.
Good news is that we are getting more members who have various problems asking for help proving that we are able to make a difference to the keeping and breeding of birds.
For instance over the last few days, phone calls from an unnamed person who has a rooster causing angst from neighbours. I suggested that as this was in the Ryde Council area he asks his relations in the bush. to take it before the council gets involved.
Another long saga, in WA, is a pigeon loft which has been in the same position for 17 yrs and with the same neighbor, she is hell bent that the loft be moved to comply with the new changes to the distances between the loft and the adjoining fence that being 9 meters!!!
On another success, but very welcome, Cowra Poultry Club we finally managed to get the Trustee’s to allow a sale to take place in the betting ring. Cold morning, no facilities for making hot drinks and as for the toilet facilities, we will leave that to your imagination
We are awaiting, with bated breath, correspondence to allow the end of May sale to be in the Poultry Pavilion with Clubs pens back in use after 4 years (imagine the cobwebs!)
Please note the NEW letter heading, we had received so many comments about the previous one that in order to suit ALL of our myriad species belonging to members, is a feather is which is common to all.
A forlorn hope from me, can members please get their respective “grey cells” working to produce interesting snippets for the next issue of the Communicator.
This would help both Bob and myself from “pulling our hair out prior to putting the Communicator to bed”.
Also, any comments, whether they be critical or even praise, would be very welcome.
Yours in Aviculture
Barbara Devnie